Value Solution Checklist - What your solution must achieve

A value based selling solution, whatever it's delivery mechanism, must achieve a number of key goals if it is to be reliable and effective. If you want your solution to work effectively, we believe the following checklist identifies the characteristics your solution will need.

To be a success, we believe any solution must:

  • Uncover all hidden value – hard and soft.
  • Assign measures to most value drivers.
  • Scale all value.
  • Allow customers to fully comprehend the nature and scale of the potential value to flow between them.
  • Allow customers to engage fully in determining the nature and scale of the potential value to flow to it.
  • Allow you to track the scale of value that you are delivering to your customers.
  • Bringing clarity to your customer to minimise uncertainty since uncertainty delays or defeats decision-making (and kills the deal or extends the sales cycle).
  • Provide the basis for a quality decision process that you can use to simplify and accelerate sensitive and complex decisions
  • Help place your customer at the centre of that process so that they are responsible for developing their own value assumption.

An important point to take away from this list is that the solution must make your customer the focus of your solution.